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All Teachers and Classroom Staff

$80 + GST

Fast Five – Behaviour Management Tips

Teachers love behaviour management tips and they also love a bargain!

Here they are both rolled into one.

Fast Five are designed as a weekly set of five great behaviour management tips that have been gathered from around the world which have been trialled in Australian schools and they work.

Presented in simple small parcels the Fast Five are organised around themes that you can use today to help your classroom and your school focus on simple small, atomic habits which might get you across the line with those hard to teach groups or those hard to reach kids.

The presentations also contain just a touch of humour with a dash of inspiration that might just put you in the best frame of mind for tackling the class that needs the most love!


For copyright reasons some clips may appear muted or removed from these presentations, all clips are can be found in a playlist on the YouTube Channel “GREG MITCHELL’S STUFF”. Please enjoy them there.


Critical Agendas Speaker
Presented by Critical Agendas

Greg Mitchell

Greg Mitchell is an established and highly sought after consultant who works with teachers, parents and administrators where it counts… in schools and in classrooms. He regularly teaches in classrooms in primary and secondary schools all over Australia demonstrating the changes that really work. Greg is an exceptional presenter with the ability to connect with educators, to challenge them and provide many practical strategies that work! Great knowledge, practical, dynamic and very entertaining!

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Hear from teachers who have attended a Critical Agendas Event

Susan Snooks

The best P.D. I have attended in living memory!” I loved every minute of this engaging, interesting and informative PD. And I have been teaching for 40+ years!

Liberty Hatzidimitriou

Loved the honesty in the sharing of information and strategies

Tamara Rundle

Passionate &  Authentic Speakers – Meaningful Strategies

Ivana Ryan

Loved the passion of the Presenters

Paul Dillon

Keep up the fantastic PD opportunities! Very  professional and well-researched workshops and conferences.


“It is the first P.L. in a long long time that I haven’t been checking in with my watch.”

Tania The Geelong College

Just a big Thank you for giving us the opportunity to attend the Critical Agenda Workshop yesterday.  David presented a great program, lots of handy strategies and he was very engaging and supportive. Highly recommended.  I was very happy we did not have to do any Role play’s. 

Tim Livy

I love the fantastic variety of workshops and conferences on offer. Always look forward to Critical Agendas PD’s.

Libby Fullard.

Inspirational Speakers –  the knowledge gained will be so beneficial in my classrooms