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Zoom 4.75 hours PD HOURS

Event Details


9.00am - 3.30pm - Log in between 8.30am and 9.00am Victorian Time

Live Streamed Webinar (Zoom)

All Primary and Secondary Teachers, Support Staff and anyone interested in well-being

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Booking Conditions

No applications for this program will be accepted after all vacancies have been filled. Unsuccessful applicants will have any monies paid refunded in full. Cancellation made prior to the prior to 14 days from the event date will incur a 25% service charge per applicant. This program will be payable for in full for cancellations made within 14 days of the event or for failure to attend the program. Participants will be sent a Zoom link which is only to be used by the registered person, if any other unregistered person views the webinar without registration, they will be liable for the full registration plus an additional 25% administration fee. No attendance certificates will be issued until all monies are paid in full. Any cancellation must be made in writing and emailed to In the event of insufficient applications this program will not proceed, and registration monies paid will be fully refunded. Critical Agendas Pty Ltd will not be accepting liability for any other associated costs. Critical Agendas Pty Ltd reserves the right to vary the advertised program prior to commencement.

Strengthening our Student’s Mental Well-Being

8.30am – 9.00am – Seminar Log in.

9.00am – 10.15am – Kristy Elliot – “Un-Packing the Key Character Strengths for Student Well- Being”.

Character strengths are a robustly researched area in the field of positive psychology where they have been shown to greatly impact the wellbeing of students and teachers. Character strengths are positive traits that are reflected in thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.  In this session, we will follow a three-part process to uncovering the world of character strengths – aware, explore, apply.  Participants will be introduced to the Values in Action Character Strengths and explore some of the research derived from educational settings.  Through the exploration of practical tools and activities, participants will develop an awareness of their own unique strengths they can use to buffer against stress and care for their wellbeing at work.

10.15am – 10.40am – Morning Tea.

10.40am – 12.00noon – Michelle Falzon – “Harnessing Positive Psychology to improve all Education Outcomes”.

Michelle Falzon, based in Melbourne, Australia, is a distinguished Positive Psychology Coach and the proud owner of Positive Wellbeing Education. With profound expertise in coaching psychology, positive psychology, positive organisational psychology, and post-traumatic growth, Michelle is a leading authority in the field of optimising human potential. As an advocate for personal and professional flourishing, Michelle is dedicated to helping individuals and organisations thrive and succeed in both life and business.

In this enlightening presentation, Michelle will guide you through the transformative power of positive psychology in the realm of education. Drawing upon a wealth of knowledge and experience, she will explore how the principles of positive psychology can be harnessed to enhance education outcomes, providing participants with a unique opportunity to discover evidence-based approaches that promote resilience, optimism, and personal growth within the context of education. Attendees will leave with practical tools and strategies to foster a positive learning environment and support the mental well-being of students and educators alike.  Join us as Michelle shares insights, strategies, and real-world examples, offering a roadmap to elevate educational experiences and outcomes for all.

12.00pm – 12.10 Mini Break

12.10pm – 1.20pm – Dave Vinegrad – “Anxiety Informed Classrooms” – What it is and what you can do as a Teacher.

There’s never been a clearer scientific picture of the ways damaging experiences and intense, chronic stress can hurt a child’s ability to learn in school. But for many schools, the picture of what an anxiety sensitive school is like in practice is still developing.  Why do Coles and Woolies supermarkets run a ‘quiet hour’ for their shoppers and how can we bring this thinking into our classrooms?

Students who experience anxiety perform worse academically and have reduced social and emotional outcomes than others. The latest research indicates that almost 1 in 4 Australian students have a diagnosable anxiety.  That’s a lot!

In the last decade our knowledge about neurodiversity and adverse childhood experiences has grown driven by the emerging research, devastating natural and manmade disasters, and school wellbeing debates.  We also know that band aid solutions for anxiety really doesn’t get to the root causes whether the disorder is generalised or specific.

This workshop may be a good starting point for some schools to begin the journey of understanding anxiety and translating the research into what a psychologically safe classroom and playground needs to have and provide.

This workshop will explore and investigate the following topics and themes:

  • Understanding stress, anxiety and trauma
  • 9 Key principles to tackle trauma and anxiety and to establish psychologically safe classrooms and playgrounds
  • Exploration of the C.P.R model and the S.P.C approach to reduce anxiety across the school
  • Establish a Zen Den in your classroom and a Sensory Space for the whole school community.

1.20pm – 2.00pm – Lunch.

2.00pm – 3.20pm –  Sally Learey – “The Power of the Brain to support Student’s Mental Health”.

Brain breaks (or ‘mental breaks’) allow students to revitalize their minds and unblock regions in their brains that aren’t functioning optimally due to stress and high-intensity work.

A brain break is a short period that allows students to break away from their classroom work and recharge.

Brain breaks are structured breaks using physical movement, mindfulness exercises or sensory activities.

A brain break has many benefits, such as:

  • improving blood flow to the brain
  • enhancing mood and learning
  • increasing engagement
  • improving focus, attention, and retention
  • strengthening teacher-student relationships.

This presentation will explore the positive impacts brain breaks have on student mental health across all year levels.

It will examine the value of normalising and incorporating brain breaks into the teaching and learning process.

It will provide examples of various types of brain breaks you can implement in classes.

3.20pm – 3.30pm Seminar Close

Presented by Critical Agendas

Kristy Elliott

Kristy is an experienced and engaging teacher and consultant, working with inspired educators who want to make a positive difference in the lives of the young people they work with and their communities. Holding a Bachelor of Education, Kristy recognises the privilege of working with young people and strives to positively impact those she has the pleasure of working with. She is currently completing her Masters in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Melbourne which is strengthening the wellbeing and relationship management work she undertakes with schools in Australia and Asia. Kristy teaches an innovative circle strategy used for developing socio-emotional capacity, relationships as well as teaching curriculum content, she provides engaging workshops on all elements of restorative practice including peer mediation training. Kristy also facilitates restorative community conferences and provides in-class modelling and coaching. Kristy has been working in this field for almost two decades and continues to enjoy working with school communities to enhance the wellbeing of staff, students and parents.

Critical Agendas Speaker
Presented by Critical Agendas

Michelle Falzon

Michelle is a mother of 2 beautiful children, an educator & student wellbeing coordinator, lover of learning, and advocate for positive mental health and wellbeing. After facing an unexpected tragedy almost 9 years ago that completely changed the trajectory of my life, she now sees herself as a survivor and not a victim. So, it is with this strong mindset that she dedicates herself and the work that she does each day to supporting others.

She’s a firm believer that knowledge is power, and when we are taught to recognise our own God-given strengths, then we are empowered to take action each and every day to be the best version of ourselves. As an educator and student wellbeing coordinator, she strongly advocates for education travelling far beyond the four walls of any classroom. All her work within positive psychology and coaching psychology is created to support individuals develop and sustain habits of good health and positive thinking that is life-long and sustainable. She strives to have people acknowledge and understand that they themselves are the authors of their own stories that they so wonderfully create in life.

Critical Agendas Speaker
Presented by Critical Agendas

David Vinegrad

David Vinegrad is a well-known presenter with extensive experience in the area of behaviour management both nationally and internationally. He has highly developed skills as a facilitator, trainer, and presenter and is widely recognised as an international expert on restorative justice. He has played a major role in the introduction of restorative practices into schools in Australia and internationally and is an experienced counsellor and mediator including high level management of critical incidents and school based trauma. David has over 30 years of experience working with teachers and students in a variety of diverse educational settings undertaking and developing a wide range of roles including recent work in Japan and Brazil.

Critical Agendas Speaker
Presented by Critical Agendas

Sally Learey

Sally Learey is a renowned keynote speaker, author and education consultant. As well as teaching, she holds qualifications in training, positive psychology, coaching and counselling. Sally has worked in both training and primary and secondary teaching sectors across a variety of educational settings. Sally is also an author of 7 books ranging from children’s books to adult non-fiction. She is passionate about supporting the wellbeing of teachers and leaders in education. Sally empowers teachers to create classrooms and learning environments that are inclusive for all students. As a mother of a son with special needs which includes ASD, she has a wealth of personal and professional expertise in this area.

Critical Agendas Speaker

Hear from teachers who have attended a Critical Agendas Event

Loved the honesty in the sharing of information and strategies

Liberty Hatzidimitriou

Inspirational Speakers –  the knowledge gained will be so beneficial in my classrooms

Libby Fullard.

The best P.D. I have attended in living memory!” I loved every minute of this engaging, interesting and informative PD. And I have been teaching for 40+ years!

Susan Snooks

Keep up the fantastic PD opportunities! Very  professional and well-researched workshops and conferences.

Paul Dillon

“It is the first P.L. in a long long time that I haven’t been checking in with my watch.”


Loved the passion of the Presenters

Ivana Ryan

Just a big Thank you for giving us the opportunity to attend the Critical Agenda Workshop yesterday.  David presented a great program, lots of handy strategies and he was very engaging and supportive. Highly recommended.  I was very happy we did not have to do any Role play’s. 

Tania The Geelong College

Passionate &  Authentic Speakers – Meaningful Strategies

Tamara Rundle

I love the fantastic variety of workshops and conferences on offer. Always look forward to Critical Agendas PD’s.

Tim Livy