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9.30am - 3.30pm - Log on between 9.15am and 9.30am Victorian Time

Live Streamed Webinar

All Secondary Teachers and School Leaders

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Booking Conditions

No applications for this program will be accepted after all vacancies have been filled. Unsuccessful applicants will have their monies refunded in full. Cancellation prior to two weeks before the program date (cut-off date) will incur a 15% service charge per applicant. This program will be payable in full for cancellations made on or after the cut-off date or for failure to attend the program. All cancellations must be in writing and emailed to us. In the event of insufficient applications this program will not proceed and registration monies be fully refunded. In the event of this program being cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances registration monies only will be refunded as Critical Agendas will not accept liability for the payment of any other associated costs. Critical Agendas reserves the right to vary the advertised programs prior to commencement. Please note Critical Agendas reserves the right to transfer participants from face to face to webinar format with price adjustments (if required), should minimum numbers not be met for face to face event

Presentation Secrets: Tips, Tricks and Ideas to Level up your Presentation Skills

“Presentation is the killer skill we take into the real world. It gives us an almost unfair advantage”

If you use PowerPoint or Keynote to present information to students, colleagues, or parents, this workshop will help you to make your presentations more engaging, more interesting and more beautiful.

“Death by PowerPoint” is a common expression used to describe the mundane use of slides by teachers, principals and conference presenters, to present information.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

In Andrew’s own experience, PowerPoint can be strategically used as a powerful tool to create mood, pique interest and evoke laughter, which each make the learning experience addictive.

PowerPoint has been around for a loooooooong time, and most teachers think they know how to use it – but recently it has evolved! It now contains lots of very powerful, though not at all obvious, features.

Learn how to make PowerPoint slides that:

– Make the content they present memorable

– Look stunning!

– Contain effective animations to lead your students eyes to the right part of a slide.

– Embed interactive elements in your PowerPoint slides (so students can respond to polls or make comments that appear on the slide!)

– show live subtitles in a foreign language.

– Much, much more.

In addition learn tricks for presenting content effectively (with or without PowerPoint), in ways that bring an audience alive (rather than sending them to sleep).

Your next lesson, Staff meeting or conference presentation will make your audience ask “how did you do that?”

Quote from a recent workshop attendee: “OMG … so much!!! Best session!!! I wish I had more time before class starts to apply all these fabulous tips to make my Powerpoint presentations more engaging for students. That is the challenge I’m taking forward from this session – to apply all these crazy tips and tricks!”

Critical Agendas Speaker
Presented by Critical Agendas

Andrew Douch

Andrew Douch is an independent education consultant and a teacher with 22 years classroom experience. His use of educational technology, including those used to flip his classes , has won him numerous awards, including an Australian Government Award for Quality Schooling, the Victorian Education Excellence Award for Curriculum Innovation, the Microsoft
Worldwide Innovative Teacher of the Year and an IMS Global Learning Impact Leadership Award.His mantra is “You don’t need to be very good with technology to do very good things with technology”. Rather teachers need a willingness to question their 20th Century paradigms and rethink their roles as educators in a world where information is available on-demand and communication is instantaneous.

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The best P.D. I have attended in living memory!” I loved every minute of this engaging, interesting and informative PD. And I have been teaching for 40+ years!

Liberty Hatzidimitriou

Loved the honesty in the sharing of information and strategies

Paul Dillon

Keep up the fantastic PD opportunities! Very  professional and well-researched workshops and conferences.


“It is the first P.L. in a long long time that I haven’t been checking in with my watch.”

Tania The Geelong College

Just a big Thank you for giving us the opportunity to attend the Critical Agenda Workshop yesterday.  David presented a great program, lots of handy strategies and he was very engaging and supportive. Highly recommended.  I was very happy we did not have to do any Role play’s. 

Ivana Ryan

Loved the passion of the Presenters

Tim Livy

I love the fantastic variety of workshops and conferences on offer. Always look forward to Critical Agendas PD’s.