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All Teachers and Classroom Staff

$61.82 + GST

The Literature Toolbox – Hard Copy Book by Glen Pearsall

“The study of English introduces a student to other voices and other lives … and in doing do, helps them find their own voice.”

Whether you are planning to study a new text, looking for a fresh approach to teach an old favourite or simply seeking strategies to provide more variety in your teaching, this is an invaluable guide for all English teachers.

The Literature Tool Box features over fifty activities for exploring text. Easy to implement and rigorously road-tested in real classrooms, these practical strategies foster engagement, deepen inquiry and model fluent and sophisticated essay writing.

The cost for the book is $68.00 inc GST, this includes postage and handling for one book.

If you require more than 1 book please email and we will happily organise this for you.

Critical Agendas Speaker
Presented by Critical Agendas

Glen Pearsall

Glen Pearsall was a Teacher Leader and board member of the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority. He works throughout the world as an educational consultant. Glen is the author of the best-selling And Gladly Teach (2010)The Literature Toolbox (2014),  Fast and Effective Assessment(2019), Tilting Your Teaching(2020) and Classroom Dynamics (2024) He is the  co-author of Literature for Life (2005) and Work Right (2011.)  His ebook on questioning The Top Ten Strategic Questions for Teachers (2013) was translated into Khmer for Cambodian teachers. Glen is the co-creator of Toon Teach, an animated series on classroom management.


Glen specializes in positive behaviour, feedback and questioning, differentiation, coaching and leadership and teacher workload reduction. He has presented for Critical Agendas on a range of subjects including High Impact Teaching Strategies, Positive Classroom Behaviours, Assessment and Feedback, Differentiation and the Brain, Leadership and VCE Literature.



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Libby Fullard.

Inspirational Speakers –  the knowledge gained will be so beneficial in my classrooms


“It is the first P.L. in a long long time that I haven’t been checking in with my watch.”

Susan Snooks

The best P.D. I have attended in living memory!” I loved every minute of this engaging, interesting and informative PD. And I have been teaching for 40+ years!

Paul Dillon

Keep up the fantastic PD opportunities! Very  professional and well-researched workshops and conferences.

Ivana Ryan

Loved the passion of the Presenters

Liberty Hatzidimitriou

Loved the honesty in the sharing of information and strategies

Tania The Geelong College

Just a big Thank you for giving us the opportunity to attend the Critical Agenda Workshop yesterday.  David presented a great program, lots of handy strategies and he was very engaging and supportive. Highly recommended.  I was very happy we did not have to do any Role play’s. 

Tamara Rundle

Passionate &  Authentic Speakers – Meaningful Strategies

Tim Livy

I love the fantastic variety of workshops and conferences on offer. Always look forward to Critical Agendas PD’s.