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Katie Jones

Katie Jones  is known as Australia’s ‘Grade Transformation Expert’ due to her amazing success in catapulting students’ grades in exams and assessments.

With over 14 years experience in the UK and Australia as an external exam marker, scrutiny panel member, assessment moderator and national award-winning teacher, she’s dedicated herself to helping students master ‘all things exams’.

Her extensive experience across multiple exam boards means Katie knows EXACTLY what examiners and assessors are looking for and how this can sometimes differ to the ways that students learn information in class and homework.

This is why she works with high school and college students through her online services including the Exam Mastery program for schools, webinar student workshops, and study coaching membership program, plus as a casual relief teacher to keep herself in the classroom too, to help them ‘show they know’ their stuff when it comes to exams and assessment.

Katie is the expert in transforming students’ grades and confidence, so they achieve best possible results, feel in control of their study and enjoy the journey along the way

Hear from teachers who have attended a Critical Agendas Event

Libby Fullard.

Inspirational Speakers –  the knowledge gained will be so beneficial in my classrooms

Ivana Ryan

Loved the passion of the Presenters

Tamara Rundle

Passionate &  Authentic Speakers – Meaningful Strategies

Paul Dillon

Keep up the fantastic PD opportunities! Very  professional and well-researched workshops and conferences.

Liberty Hatzidimitriou

Loved the honesty in the sharing of information and strategies

Tania The Geelong College

Just a big Thank you for giving us the opportunity to attend the Critical Agenda Workshop yesterday.  David presented a great program, lots of handy strategies and he was very engaging and supportive. Highly recommended.  I was very happy we did not have to do any Role play’s. 


“It is the first P.L. in a long long time that I haven’t been checking in with my watch.”

Tim Livy

I love the fantastic variety of workshops and conferences on offer. Always look forward to Critical Agendas PD’s.

Susan Snooks

The best P.D. I have attended in living memory!” I loved every minute of this engaging, interesting and informative PD. And I have been teaching for 40+ years!