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Kristy is an experienced and engaging teacher and consultant, working with inspired educators who want to make a positive difference in the lives of the young people they work with and their communities. Holding a Bachelor of Education, Kristy recognises the privilege of working with young people and strives to positively impact those she has the pleasure of working with. She is currently completing her Masters in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Melbourne which is strengthening the wellbeing and relationship management work she undertakes with schools in Australia and Asia.
Kristy is founder and director of Restorative Pathways, an organisation supporting schools to create flourishing school culture using restorative approaches to relationship and conflict management, and positive psychology practices. Decades of scientific research tells us that the quality of our relationships are the biggest predictor of life satisfaction, health, happiness, resilience and achievement. Kristy teaches an innovative circle strategy used for developing socio-emotional capacity, relationships as well as teaching curriculum content, she provides engaging workshops on all elements of restorative practice including peer mediation training. Kristy also facilitates restorative community conferences and provides in-class modelling and coaching. Kristy has been working in this field for almost two decades and continues to enjoy working with school communities to enhance the wellbeing of staff, students and parents.
Passionate & Authentic Speakers – Meaningful Strategies
Keep up the fantastic PD opportunities! Very professional and well-researched workshops and conferences.
I love the fantastic variety of workshops and conferences on offer. Always look forward to Critical Agendas PD’s.
Loved the passion of the Presenters
Loved the honesty in the sharing of information and strategies
Inspirational Speakers – the knowledge gained will be so beneficial in my classrooms
“It is the first P.L. in a long long time that I haven’t been checking in with my watch.”
Just a big Thank you for giving us the opportunity to attend the Critical Agenda Workshop yesterday. David presented a great program, lots of handy strategies and he was very engaging and supportive. Highly recommended. I was very happy we did not have to do any Role play’s.
The best P.D. I have attended in living memory!” I loved every minute of this engaging, interesting and informative PD. And I have been teaching for 40+ years!